Read how Zack’s speaking programs have inspired others. If you have seen Zack and would like to submit a testimonial of your own, please contact us.
Also see a full letter from Yedei Chesed here.
“Both of our classes were asked the following question on their final exams: 'Of the five outside speakers invited to speak your class this semester, which one made the most impact on you, and why?' The students overwhelmingly, almost unanimously even, answered that Zack made the most impact because of how he had so inspired them.”
Dr. Nomi Harkavy, Department Head, LIU (Brooklyn)
“You are welcome Zack and thank you very much! I also wanted to mention this world will become a better place because of you. Thank you once again.”
Rafael Martinez, Passaic County Community College student
“It was our pleasure – and honor- to be inspired by Zack.”
Eli Ciner, Vice Principal, Frisch High School, Paramus, NJ
“Hello Pollack Family! I just wanted to thank you all for coming yesterday!! I have a bunch of cards and letters the students wrote for Zack.
We appreciate all that he has done for our students!
It meant a lot to us. I hope to work with you next year in speaking with our fourth grade classes!”
Elana Rudnick, M.S.Ed., School Counselor Mario J. Drago School #3
“Dear Zack,
You were amazing! Keep up your great work!”
Rabbi Richard Kirsch, Vice Principal, Kushner High School
“In preparation for their Yachad Shabbaton, the eighth graders were privileged to hear from Zack Pollack, a young adult with cerebal palsy. In facing numerous challenges throughout his life, Zack has learned many important lessons that he imparted to our eighth grade class.
Zack emphasized that he does not view his limitations as disabilities – rather, he views them as simple obstacles that provide meaning in his life. In fact, Zack does not feel that there is anything beyond his reach, and even showed the students a video of his participation in a half-marathon.
After hearing from Zack, the students gained a new perspective on life’s challenges, nad saw that a person’s external appearance does not capture the true essence of an individual.
Thank you, Zack, for coming to MDS!”
Hal Levy, Manhattan Day School
“Dear Zack,
I am very appreciative that you took the time to visit our psychology class at my college. It has been a great honor to meet you and your family. Your words of wisdom inspire many students like myself to assert and achieve goals in life. Furthermore, you are dedicating your time for your community; besides assisting high schools in talking about bullying, you attended a marathon. Superman is an animated/pretend character but once I met you, I believe otherwise, because you are a true Superman. Despite your disabilities, your strength, mentality and heart allow you to make significant changes for good. Thank you, Zack and best of luck.”
Nataly Gaspar, Passaic County Community College psychology major
“On behalf of our entire organization, Chabad of Passaic – Clifton, Rebbetzin Miriam and I want to thank you for giving the featured motivational presentation at our 1st annual dinner in January, and may I say, your talk, with your amazing videos, was one of the main highlights of the entire evening. The audience, including the mayor and our local assemblyman, was visibly moved by your heartfelt words. Your participation helped make the event a great success and your presentation provided us all with tremendous inspiration. I have to admit, in planning our dinner, there were those naysayers on the committee that were hesitant to have you address the audience, considering your physical limitations. Every one of them came to me after you delivered your talk and let me know how wrong they were and how awed and amazed they were by your focused inspirational words.”
Rabbi Yitzchok Sebbag, Chabad of Passaic Clifton
“It was such a privilege to have Zack and your family join us last night. Thank you so much for coming!! It was a big success! I have attached some of the pictures from last night. All the best!!”
Stephanie Gold, President, Stern College OT Club
“Thanks so much for coming and reminding us of our mission to give hope and to inspire others. That night the people there and I heard another message as well. We were inspired to do more by you. Seeing you live the gifts that you were given as you said, “I have a G-d given gift to inspire others.” Has encouraged us to review our ‘G-d given gifts’ and to use them to help others as well.”
Eliezer Schwadron, Yedei Chesed